Gun Violence Issue: Introduction

by Chanah Yin, Melody Yu
Jan 03, 2024
Gun Violence Issue: Introduction
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“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” These are the words of the much-cited second amendment, granting both a unique right to U.S. citizens, as well as inciting many of the U.S.’s gun problems. Compared to many other countries, many believe we have remarkably low regulation of guns compared to other countries (Comparing Gun Laws in Foreign Countries to the United States)—the only requirements to buy a gun are to be over 18 and to complete a brief background check.

These laws allow firearms to pervade many aspects of our society, such as entertainment (Firing Blasters in Cold Blood), the economy (Gradual Uptick), and even education (Gun Violence in Schools). Guns are so normalized in our country that many people take their integration in society and the violence that accompanies them as a fact of life. Gun violence resulted in 21,000 deaths between January to June of 2023 alone. It also impacts many people negatively in other ways, such as their mental health (The Shot on Mental Health). Despite this, how to handle it (Gun violence in the U.S.: By the numbers) remains a hotly debated topic.

This issue aims to dispel misinformation surrounding gun violence, provide insight into its effects, and inspire readers to combat it.


Adams, Destinee. “Is gun violence an epidemic in the U.S.? Experts and history say it is.” NPR, 29 June 2023.

Written by: Sophia Zhou Edited by: Melody Yu