January 2024 Issue: Gun Violence

Edited by Chanah Yin, Melody Yu
January 2024 Issue: Gun Violence

Gun Violence in Schools

According to statistical evidence gathered by Sandy Hook Promise, around 12 children die from gun violence everyday in America and 93% of school shooting cases were planned in advanc...

Yusong Liang

Gun Violence Issue: Introduction

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” These are the words of the much-cit...

Chanah Yin, Melody Yu

At the Intersection of Film and Our Prison System

500 percent. That’s the growth of our prison population since 1970, says American Civil Liberties Union; it also listed fractions - one in three, one in six, and one in seventeen - se...

Brian Yu

Gradual Uptick

Per Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, self-preservation lies near the bottom; demonstrating that humans yearn for safety above just about all else – especially through firearms. In 2022, 4...

Joyce Rizko

The Shot on Mental Health

In the United States, the incidence of gun violence has increased to 43,000 deaths every year, an increase of more than 10,000 deaths as compared to a decade ago. This increase causes...

Annie Zhu

Comparing Gun Laws in Foreign Countries to the United States

Gun laws are a hotly debated topic around the world, with many countries implementing strict regulations on firearms in order to reduce the incidence of gun-related crime. The United ...

Sophia Huang

Firing Blasters in Cold Blood

Since its debut in 1977, Star Wars has captivated audiences around the world with its advanced technology, unique characters, and unforgettable one-liners. But even as Anakin Skywalke...

Oneal Wang