What is Abortion?

by Melody Yu
Sep 18, 2022
What is Abortion?
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Abortion. A widely controversial topic that has been hotly debated and discussed, especially in the past year with the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Since ancient times, abortions have been performed through a number of methods. Common practices include herbal abortifacients, sharp tools, or traditional medicine that date back to ancient China, Egypt, India, and the Roman Empire.

With abortion’s extensive history in so many cultures, it is no surprise that laws were also put in place regarding this practice. At different points in time, Japan, China, India, and ancient Rome all had bans placed on abortions with varying levels of severity.

But why do people ban abortions? Religious followers vehemently quote from the Old Testament, which states that life starts at conception; thus, aborting a fetus would result in murder. Some medical scholars refer to the Hippocratic Oath, stating that it prevents them from performing abortions. Even today, anti-abortionists sport a wide range of reasons that only they can justify.

In this month’s issue, we address today’s most pressing issue regarding abortion: Roe v. Wade. You will get to read the two sides of this topic, as well as a timeline regarding the history of abortion, and eventually form your own educated opinion on the ethics of abortion.