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Historical Figures in Workers Rights

During the Industrial Revolution, America transformed from an agricultural country to an industrialized one. With the emergence of large industrialists such as John D. Rockefeller wit...

Yusong Liang

America’s Immigrant Farm Workers

From the beginning Immigrants built America and continues to power it, making up more than a third of workers in some industries. They continue to improve our economy, creating compan...

Sophia Huang

Gender Inequality in Industries

Gender equality in the workplace has been a concern since the 19th century. Since then, the number of working women has risen astronomical amounts. However, this change is not exclusi...

Joyce Rizko

Amazon's Worker's Rights (or lack of them)

For years, Amazon has been at the forefront of controversy about the treatment of its workers. Though the company denies its infractions of workers rights, critics have exposed how de...

Aava Ghorbanian

South African Erosion of Workers’ Rights

The single-room tin homes of South Africa’s 500+ townships are testaments to the radical inequality that remains as a legacy of Apartheid, South Africa’s past oppressive system of gov...

Frankie Lewitton

Minimum Wage Sick Days and the Problems With Worker's Rights

Though we view the United States as a whole, labor laws vary from state to state, and many simply chalk these variances up to differences in political parties. Yet, labor laws in blue...

Eliška Levisohn